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The Laboratory Animal Services Center (LASC) is the central institution at the University of Zurich for biomedical research with laboratory animals.
The LASC was founded in 2014 and is organizationally directly affiliated to the Prorectorate Research. It has several locations in the Zurich and Schlieren area and supports UZH researchers by providing consultation, husbandry and breeding of laboratory animals as well as subject-specific services and infrastructure for their research projects.
The focus is on ethically responsible animal care, taking into account the 3R concept and compliance with all cantonal and federal legal requirements and guidelines. LASC also ensures that high standards of hygiene are maintained in the animal facilities to minimize the potential impact of pathogens on research results.
To ensure high quality standards, LASC provides training for researchers in specialized techniques, runs its own training program for animal caretakers, and operates an in-house developed animal management system.
LASC maintains close cooperation with the Animal Welfare Department, the Institute of Laboratory Animal Science (training for researchers) and the cantonal authorities.
The team consists of almost 100 employees from the areas of animal husbandry, logistics, veterinary service, technology & administration.