Graduating can be a time-consuming process, especially regarding your dealings with the bureaucracy. This guide aims to help a bit by outlining the steps you may expect.
Note: The following was heavily edited by people from the Physics dept., but it should apply to ICS as well.
max 3 months, min 6 weeks + 1 day before [DateOfdefense]
(this is the only actual hard deadline, the online form simply won't let you book your date any more if you are too late)
for the registration you will need:
You will get an email back with a form to fill in and hand in to the Dekanat. More about that in point 4.
You should also book a room! Maybe even earlier..
After you have done 3b, you will get an email within a few days (usually the next day), with your application form. You have to return this form within a few days, max 1 week after you subscribed online with the following documents:
RafiK made LO tempaltes for those
4 weeks before [DateOfDefense] the latest (maybe 3 are ok as well?)
After the defense:
You should get a (regular) mail with a confirmation of you completing the PhD, but you are NOT allowed to use the title yet! You should also get a red card, that you need to hand in your thesis at the Central Library
You need to remain registered as a student (and pay tuition) at the UZH until you have received your final diploma in the mail.
there are several options:
electronic: 3 files: diss.pdf, abstract.pdf, abstract.txt (use those filenames, you can extract the abstract.pdf from the diss.pdf, both languages, and create a text only version of both in abstract.txt)
There are many rules and restrictions to obey for the printed version and the DVD. You have to put a A5 sticker version of your title page onto the binded version, the DVD have to be labelled correctly… The “printing house” below de Dekanat knows all the rules. You can just print your thesis on a institute printer, assemble the relevant electronic files and bring them the 3 copies and they make the rest, for like 100 SFr.
Only from now on you are officially allowed to carry the title.