Genga is an N-Body code designed to evolve systems with a dominant central mass (such as planetary systems or planetesimal disks). It tracks collisions, contains an analytical gas model, and supports a test particle mode. It runs on the GPU. The code, along with instructions, is available on Bitbucket.
Note that there is no hydrodynamics module. If you want to do disk hydrodynamics, you might want to look at Ramses or Fargo.
On the zBox, you need to compile and run Genga on the Tasna/Vesta nodes. See SLURM for instructions on how to launch batch and interactive jobs on Tasna/Vesta.
If you have trouble with the code itself, ask Simon. If you need help compiling, launching, or post-processing, you can also ask Volker.
$ mkdir -p /home/ics/username/src $ cd /home/ics/username/src
$ hg clone
$ salloc --ntasks 1 --gres gpu:1 --partition vesta --account gpu <--- Vesta/K80X Cluster $ salloc --ntasks 1 --gres gpu:1 --partition tasna --account gpu <--- Tasna/GTX580 Cluster > salloc: Granted job allocation 3597976 $ srun --pty bash
$ cd /home/ics/username/src/genga/source $ make SM=37 <--- Vesta $ make SM=20 <--- Tasna