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UZH for Researchers

Research Development Office

Phone: +41 44 634 53 50

The Research Development Office is the central point of contact at UZH for research funding, general research support and policies, and scientific integrity. We advise researchers from all career stages on internal, national and international funding opportunities, coordinate internal funding lines of the University Research Funding (UFO) and UZH's research activities within the framework of the European University Alliance Una Europa. In this way, we support the Executive Board of the University in developing its research profile. As the Regional Office at UZH, we are integrated into the Euresearch network and act as a contact point for domestic and foreign funding agencies (in particular the Swiss National Science Foundation, European Commission / ERC, National Institutes of Health). We also operate the Research Integrity Coordination Office.

Individual and career grants

  • Beatrice Scherrer

    Beatrice Scherrer, Dr.

    • Leiterin Individual- und Karriereförderung / Head individual grants and career funding
    • SNF Starting Grant - Projektförderung/project funding
    • (Di Do Fr / Tue Thu Fri)
    +41 44 634 20 50
  • Martin Bühler

    Martin Bühler, Dr.

    • Research Manager
    • UZH CandocPostdoc Grant - Preise / Prizes
    • (Di - Fr / Tue - Fri)
    +41 44 634 48 27
  • Miriam Egloff

    Miriam Egloff, Dr.

    • Research Manager
    • UZH CandocPostdoc Grant - SNF Starting Grant - SNF Ambizione
    • (Mo - Do / Mon - Thu)
    +41 44 634 48 05
  • Anastasia Risch

    Anastasia Risch, Dr.

    • Research Manager
    • Stiftungen / Foundations - SNF-Projektförderung / SNSF Project Funding - Kompetitive Forschungssemester UZH / Competitive Sabbaticals UZH
    • (Mo Di Do / Mon Tue Thu)
    +41 44 634 20 30

Focus Areas and Networks

  • Maurus Bolfing

    Maurus Bolfing, lic. phil.

    • Leiter Schwerpunkt- und Netzwerkförderung / Head Focus Areas and Networks
    • (Mo - Fr / Mon - Fri)
    +41 44 634 48 12
  • Luzia Budmiger

    Luzia Budmiger, MA

    • Research Manager
    • Kompetenzzentren / Centers of Competence - UZH Doc.Mobility
    • (Mo - Do / Mon - Thu)
    +41 44 634 20 32
  • Sandra Volken

    Sandra Volken, MSc

    • Research Manager
    • Schwerpunkt- und Netzwerkförderung / Focus Areas and Networks - UFSP / URPP
    • (Mo Di & Do Fr / Mon Tue & Thu Fri)
    +41 44 634 48 78

Research Integrity Coordination Office