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    Una Europa General Assembly

    Europe Visits UZH

    From 19 to 21 June, the University of Zurich (UZH) will become the heart of the Una Europa European university alliance. More than 250 participants from around Europe will come together for the Una Europa General Assembly, on the theme of One Earth, One Future. The aim is to break down barriers and to build a shared University of the Future.
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    Speech Sciences

    Human Brains Can Tell Deepfake Voices from Real Ones

    Do our brains process natural voices and deepfake voices differently? Research conducted at the University of Zurich indicates that this is the case. In a new study, researchers have identified two brain regions that respond differently to natural and deepfake voices.
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    Middle East Conflict

    “The basis is mutual respect”

    UZH President Michael Schaepman emphasizes the key role of differentiated, open dialogue in the Middle East conflict. In the interview he also talks about the importance of showing empathy.
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    «UZH Accessible»

    UZH Reviews Its Accessibility at Various Levels

    The UZH Accessible project aims to significantly improve accessibility at UZH – in structural, digital and cultural-organizational terms. Physical obstacles in publicly accessible UZH buildings have already been recorded, while work is currently under way to remove digital barriers online and in documents.
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    Science and Nature Festival

    Experience research up close and personal

    On Saturday, 8 June, the Science and Nature Festival will take place on UZH’s Irchel Campus. Keeping with the spirit of the event’s motto – Discover | Research | Celebrate Diversity – visitors can get inspired by the world of science for an entire afternoon.
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    DSI Minor Digital Skills

    An Incubator for Ideas

    At UZH, students and researchers are learning to develop joint solutions to problems through challenge-based innovation.
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    Teaching award

    Flying High with Carl

    Marc Thommen was presented with the UZH teaching award at this year’s Dies academicus. With his interactive approach to teaching, the criminal law expert succeeds in creating a conducive learning environment that gets students to ask questions, engage in discussion and challenge ideas – even in large lectures.
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    Sexual Harassment Awareness Day

    “We want to help raise awareness”

    The number of reported cases of sexual harassment has increased over the past few years, according to the statistics by UZH’s committee for the protection against sexual harassment. We met with professor of law Brigitte Tag to discuss why this is the case and what UZH is doing to combat sexual harassment.
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    Study program “Biodiversity”

    Master’s Program in Biodiversity to Launch in the 2024 Fall Semester

    The new Bachelor’s program in biodiversity – the first of its kind in German-speaking countries – launched at UZH last fall. Following its success, with more than 140 students enrolled, the Master’s program in biodiversity will be offered for the first time starting this Fall Semester.
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    Innovative Teaching Projects

    Across Europe in Three Years

    The Una Europa joint Bachelor’s degree program in European studies enables students to study at up to three universities in Europe. UZH will take part in this unique study program starting in 2025.
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    New Department

    University Steps up Data Science

    UZH is responding to the rise of data science by establishing the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning. DM3L for short, it combines UZH’s strong basic research in mathematics with practical applications and will offer a new study program from fall 2025. Here are four examples.
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    Interim Use

    Irchel Campus to Host High Schools

    This summer, Kantonsschule Zürich Nord will relocate to two renovated buildings on Irchel Campus, creating a coexistence of university and high school that is unique in Switzerland. This move will enable joint projects but also poses certain challenges. Members of the UZH community had the opportunity to learn more and ask questions at a town hall meeting.
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    Innovative Teaching Projects – Part 5: Research-Based

    Teaching Turned Upside Down

    In the “City without Papers” project, students collaboratively investigate undocumented migrants’ precarious living conditions. This new type of teaching format is devoted to addressing current questions in urban studies research and in the process challenges traditional roles in science and teaching.
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    Panel Discussion «Studying and Working with Disabilities»

    Studying without Barriers

    In a panel discussion at UZH on the topic of studying and working with disabilities, the kinds of everyday difficulties disabled students face were brought out in the open. The Executive Board of the University – represented by Vice President Gabriele Siegert – promised that specific measures would be implemented quickly.
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    Innovative Teaching Projects – Part 4: Transdisciplinary

    Ready for the World of Work?

    In the new Master’s minor program in Digital Skills, launching at UZH in fall 2024, students will not only acquire technical affinity, but will also work with researchers on pressing questions surrounding the digital transformation. This new concept prepares students – and the university itself – to meet the challenges of the future.
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    Innovative Teaching Projects – Part 3: Engaging

    From Learners to Co-Creators

    Teaching staff at UZH are developing an online tool that prompts students to come up with possible exam questions based on their teaching materials. This helps students consolidate what they have learned and also supports teaching staff in creating their exams.
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    University Autonomy is a Valuable Asset

    At Una Europa’s first public discussion in Switzerland, the leaders of the universities of Zurich, Leiden and Edinburgh were all in agreement: the academic, organizational and financial independence of universities must be fiercely defended against attempts to exert external influence.
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    Young People from Poorer Families Make Fewer Friends

    A new study has found that children growing up in low-income families have fewer opportunities to make friends and to socially integrate at school. Researchers from the University of Zurich and the University of Stockholm examined data from over 200 school classes in Sweden and reached this conclusion.
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    Innovative Teaching Projects – Part 2: Goal-Oriented

    A New Era in Medical Training

    The medical program at UZH is being given a fundamental overhaul: the development of clinical thinking and practical skills is to be prioritized over top-down teaching of theory.